Saturday, March 31, 2007

Dob/Rott Rescue Site

This is the Rott/Saver Rescue site, Karen White is the coordinator. Anyone intersted in adopting a Rottie or Doberman should contact her. She is very careful who she lets adopt, you will have to answer questions about yourself and your house, you will have to have references as well. Make sure if you plan to adopt a rescue that your rescue has been tested with other dogs, cats, temperment. Rott/Saver will spay or neuter and micro chip your adopted dog and she is very helpful with any questions you might have after bringing your pet home. Be sure you are serious about offering your pet a lifetime home. I honesty am very pro rescue I feel they need people to love them and who will give them the life they deserve. Donations are always needed.

Sonny and Cher

I Got You Babe: Sonny and Cher are our love birds. We have had them about a year now. They are very vocal and seem to know when you want to take a nap. They will not allow me to touch them which I was a little disappointed about but they are so cute it doesn't matter now. They are always cuddling and when one swings the other one screams .

Allie Jane

Allie is the baby of Callie Jane. She is into everything, constantly dumping her water bowl, helping me while I get ready in the morning with my make-up, butting me with her head at night when she wants attention. She is always going to be a kitten. She and Callie sleep most of the time during the day and demand attention at night. They are both very loving cats.


Max is a 2 year old Bassett. We adopted him in December 2007. I decided I needed another baby and with the help from Karen White our adoption center we were able to get him when he was 18 1/2 months old. He cried the whole way home, but as soon as we opened the door he immediately took over Abbie's toys and jumped on our bed. It was hard for Abbie in the first couple of weeks sharing all of her things but she soon learned she weighed alot more and could push him around. Max is a lap dog, he follows me all around the house and if I am not doing what he wants he nips my bottom. He loves to ride in the car and go on walks. He is a hit at Petsmart whenever we take him for a manicure. Max sleeps with us, or as Jerry likes to say he allows us to sleep with him. Jerry calls him Smash because he smashes through everything.


Abbie is a 4 year old rotten rottie. We adopted her when she was just 8 weeks old. We had recently had to put our precious Zoey to sleep due to an immune diffency, and my heart ached for a rottie again. We were accepted for adoption with Karen White from Rott/DobbRescue. We drove through a snow storm to get her and she was my baby from that point on. She is very much a lover and she did not realize she was a dog until Max came along. She has had several health problems, two hip surgery's, two acl tears, we call her the bionic rottie. She is very much a momma's girl and sleeps beside our bed each night with her own pillow and blanket.

Callie Jane

I found Callie when we moved to the country. She was a tiny kitten and she was so thin I started feeding her. I could not bring her in the house at that time since she actually belonged to the neighbor. I would always find her on the back porch waiting for food and she was such a sweet heart. One winter I made a house for her outside to keep her warm and later when the neighbor was not looking I took her into the gararge, she later became pregnant and had four babies. We found good homes for all but one of the kittens Allie which we decided to keep. We had them both spayed and they joined our family.

Meet the Burney babies

Hello my name is Rhonda,my husband Jerry and I love our babies and wanted everyone to meet them. Our brood consists of two dogs, Abbie (rottie), Max (bassett), two cats Callie, Allie, two love birds Sonny and Cher, and a betta named Archie. I grew up with the love of animals thanks to my dad Phil. From the time I could walk we had dogs, cats, horses to play with. When I met Jerry in 1978 he learned fast that the way to my heart was to love animals too. I hope you enjoy the pictures and stories.